I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


Joined on 2/12/07

Exp Points:
5,250 / 5,380
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Vote Power:
6.40 votes
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LordZeebmork's News

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 27th, 2008

/* */

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 25th, 2008


update: two funny stories

1. I didn't realize my account was unlocked until I got a portal buddy request notification
2. I think my B/P rank # went up (I just checked NG Log and I got this:
Blams: 414 (+51 since last log)
Saves: 2071 (+61 since last log)
although the last time I updated the stats since today was 4/2/08)

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 13th, 2008

675x380 30fps, Flash 8

Deadline: April 19 (I want to have it released on April 20, and judging from the problems I had with spongebob n hitler hentai, I probably need a day to put it together and hope Flash doesn't fuck up)


The parts don't have to be good as long as they're funny.

Here are the parts.

4: LordZeebmork
5: illwillpenis

Put your part in a movieclip with a 550x400 guide rectangle around where the stage should be so I don't have to spend hours lining it up, and put your symbols in a folder.

Sign up here.

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 11th, 2008

it's raining like fuck here

by the way I might submit some audio soon, I've been fucking around in Reality Adlib Tracker and I made some shit that doesn't completely suck but I can't convert ir from .rad damn

oh and review http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

heh, kirby go shit got into the scat collection.


Posted by LordZeebmork - April 8th, 2008


lmfao what the fuck

update: I have the lowest scoring movie on ng, fuck yes

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 5th, 2008

seedin bittorrents like a digital pimp son

the last post was stupid

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 3rd, 2008

1. Whenever I submit a two-frame loop or something, I always get a review telling me to submit the music to the Audio Portal because there is no point to the flash.

"hola !!"
by: bluslug
date: 6 hours ago

what's your point with that all !! >> arguing with people and composing such a pathetic screenshot,..... was it for the track,..well if it was your purpose you'd have better put it under "AUDIO PORTAL" category.

The Audio Portal isn't Limewire, you fucktards. It's not for submitting stolen shit that you found on the internet, and if you think it is, go ahead, steal audio, submit it, and get your fucking account deleted. You won't be missed.

2. Suck-ups. Whenever Tom or Wade makes a thread talking about some recent change to the site (which they almost never do, because apparently it's a better idea to let people find out for themselves when their flash gets blammed or whistled and they're stuck with a portal ban or whatever), a large part of the forum-going userbase drops in with bleating reminiscent of the sheep in Animal Farm, congratulating the admins and saying that it's the best thing evar!1!111 so nobody can raise any legitimate points about problems that might be in the change, talk intelligently about the change, or anything. And, of course, if anyone dares to think for themselves and call someone else out for needlessly sucking up to the admins, or point anything bad out about the change, 15-day ban. For no reason. Even if it's in the middle of an actual intelligent discussion. No wonder the smart people on Newgrounds are almost all trolls.

3. Statwhores. Stop voting five on everything, you idiots. Especially if you turn around and complain about spam after you admit to voting five on Afro_Stud's bullshit ripoff Hitler shit and the millions of spinoffs. You people are more like sheep than you realize. "Everyone is voting 5 on everything, so I have to also!" Actually, you don't. If enough people start voting 0, things will actually get blammed, and if you vote 0, you're helping.

4. Fanboys. Why isn't the Top 50 packed with actually good flash instead of video game parodies, stickfights, and cock jokes? Because you idiots vote 5 on utter shit every day to keep it up there, and there are enough of you that complete shit has a near-perfect score, usually just because of the author's name. Hell, look at this. I could have made that in two fucking hours, and it's ranked #34. I think the only reason it got there is because it's made by the same overrated author who made shit like My New Grounds. If he can't even spell Newgrounds properly, how the fuck is he one of the most popular authors?

5. The admins. Last time I checked, the review rules apply to reviews on all flashes, and yet...

"Second, a warning to people who defend these lame movies by marking scathing reviews as "abusive". If I see a review calling these submissions out for what they are I tend to clear them of any wrongdoing. So anyone jumping on the bandwagon and flagging comments that are accurate in pointing the finger at spam groups, they're going to get a surprise in the form of a garbage whistle."



Let's not forget Wade constantly deleting harmless accounts just because they're alts, locking KemCab out of his account just because a few people are too fucking stupid to see that using the same password everywhere isn't exactly a good idea, 30-day banning Paradox for calling him out on said locking (although he actually did undo the ban later), and getting citricsquid to leave Newgrounds because apparently he was a threat to Newgrounds security or something when everyone who got hacked fucking deserved it.

And some idiot deciding it would be a brilliant idea to mod an overrated idiot with less than 250 posts just because he shat out a few horribly overrated Top 50 flashes.

And at least 100 flashes, mostly quality KK movies, getting deleted, supposedly by accident.

And Milfreds getting deleted a long time after he left for no real reason.

I'll add more later.

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 2nd, 2008

    non-breaking space
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ inverted exclamation mark
¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ cent sign
£ £ £ £ pound sign
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ currency sign
¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ yen sign
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ broken bar
§ § § § section sign
¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ diaeresis
© © © © copyright sign
ª ª ª ª feminine ordinal indicator
« « « « left-pointing double angle quotation mark
¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ not sign
­ ­ - - soft hyphen
® ® ® ® registered sign
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ macron
° ° ° ° degree sign
± ± ± ± plus-minus sign
² ² ² ² superscript two
³ ³ ³ ³ superscript three
´ ´ ´ ´ acute accent
µ µ µ µ micro sign
¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ pilcrow sign
· · · · middle dot
¸ ¸ ¸ ¸ cedilla
¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ superscript one
º º º º masculine ordinal indicator
» » » » right-pointing double angle quotation mark
¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter
½ ½ ½ ½ vulgar fraction one half
¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ vulgar fraction three quarters
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ inverted question mark
À À À À latin capital letter A with grave
Á Á Á Á latin capital letter A with acute
    latin capital letter A with circumflex
à à à à latin capital letter A with tilde
Ä Ä Ä Ä latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Å Å Å Å latin capital letter A with ring above
Æ Æ Æ Æ latin capital letter AE
Ç Ç Ç Ç latin capital letter C with cedilla
È È È È latin capital letter E with grave
É É É É latin capital letter E with acute
Ê Ê Ê Ê latin capital letter E with circumflex
Ë Ë Ë Ë latin capital letter E with diaeresis
Ì Ì Ì Ì latin capital letter I with grave
Í Í Í Í latin capital letter I with acute
Î Î Î Î latin capital letter I with circumflex
Ï Ï Ï Ï latin capital letter I with diaeresis
Ð Ð Ð Ð latin capital letter ETH
Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ latin capital letter N with tilde
Ò Ò Ò Ò latin capital letter O with grave
Ó Ó Ó Ó latin capital letter O with acute
Ô Ô Ô Ô latin capital letter O with circumflex
Õ Õ Õ Õ latin capital letter O with tilde
Ö Ö Ö Ö latin capital letter O with diaeresis
× × × × multiplication sign
Ø Ø Ø Ø latin capital letter O with stroke
Ù Ù Ù Ù latin capital letter U with grave
Ú Ú Ú Ú latin capital letter U with acute
Û Û Û Û latin capital letter U with circumflex
Ü Ü Ü Ü latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Ý Ý Ý Ý latin capital letter Y with acute
Þ Þ Þ Þ latin capital letter THORN
ß ß ß ß latin small letter sharp s
à à à à latin small letter a with grave
á á á á latin small letter a with acute
â â â â latin small letter a with circumflex
ã ã ã ã latin small letter a with tilde
ä ä ä ä latin small letter a with diaeresis
å å å å latin small letter a with ring above
æ æ æ æ latin small letter ae
ç ç ç ç latin small letter c with cedilla
è è è è latin small letter e with grave
é é é é latin small letter e with acute
ê ê ê ê latin small letter e with circumflex
ë ë ë ë latin small letter e with diaeresis
ì ì ì ì latin small letter i with grave
í í í í latin small letter i with acute
î î î î latin small letter i with circumflex
ï ï ï ï latin small letter i with diaeresis
ð ð ð ð latin small letter eth
ñ ñ ñ ñ latin small letter n with tilde
ò ò ò ò latin small letter o with grave
ó ó ó ó latin small letter o with acute
ô ô ô ô latin small letter o with circumflex
õ õ õ õ latin small letter o with tilde
ö ö ö ö latin small letter o with diaeresis
÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ division sign
ø ø ø ø latin small letter o with stroke
ù ù ù ù latin small letter u with grave
ú ú ú ú latin small letter u with acute
û û û û latin small letter u with circumflex
ü ü ü ü latin small letter u with diaeresis
ý ý ý ý latin small letter y with acute
þ þ þ þ latin small letter thorn
ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ latin small letter y with diaeresis

by the way I'm probably not going to be on Newgrounds as much anymore because I can't be bothered to make flash and even trolling has gotten boring for me. I know that if I ever make a good flash it won't get jack shit of recognition here among the hentai games and video game parodies, especially with my shitty reputation, so if I ever make something good I'll submit it on an alt.

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 1st, 2008

Star Syndicate validation

Posted by LordZeebmork - March 30th, 2008

