I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


Joined on 2/12/07

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LordZeebmork's News

Posted by LordZeebmork - June 24th, 2010

From: thdrkside
Sent: 06/20/10 15:17
Subject: dear fucktard
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Please stop submitting flash, and eating dicks. You suck at making flash like you suck dicks and testicles. Please, just stop submitting stupid flash, gget the FUCk off the internet, and hang yourself in you backyard, and kill yourself. Nobody on newgrounds likes you and you are a total shit-headed cocksucker.
your fan


Posted by LordZeebmork - June 1st, 2010

I was just reading the description of the Orc race on World of Warcraft's website, and it's pretty clear that they represent blacks. Check it:

The savage, green-skinned Orcs are one of the most prolific races of Azeroth. They are commonly believed to be brutal and mindless, possessing no humanity or empathy for other races. Born on the hellish world of Draenor, the Orcs were brought into the kingdom of Stormwind through the dimensional gateway known as the Dark Portal and forced to wage war on the Humans. Although few are aware of their history, the Orcs once cultivated a noble, Shamanistic society on the world of Draenor. Tragically, the proud Orc clans were corrupted by the Burning Legion and used as pawns in the Legion's invasion of Azeroth. The Orcs managed to rebel, however, and they were ultimately able to help turn the tide against their demon masters. Led by the young Warchief, Thrall, the Orcs have reclaimed their strength and honor. Now, the Orcs stand ready to fight not for the sake of conquest, but for their right to survive in their adopted world.

Now change it around a bit to make it fit our world:

The savage, black-skinned Blacks are one of the most prolific races of Earth. They are commonly believed to be brutal and mindless, possessing no humanity or empathy for other races. Born on the hellish continent of Africa, the blacks were brought into the country of America through the water passage known as the Atlantic Ocean and forced to pick cotton for the Humans. Although few are aware of their history, the Blacks once cultivated a noble, Shamanistic society on the continent of Africa. Tragically, the proud Black clans were corrupted by the Jewish slave boat owners and used as pawns in the Jews' invasion of America. The Blacks managed to rebel, however, and they were ultimately able to help turn the tide against their White slave masters. Led by the young Warchief, Martin Luther King Jr., the Blacks have reclaimed their strength and honor. Now, the Blacks stand ready to fight not for the sake of conquest, but for their right to survive in their adopted world, unknowingly doing the Jew's bidding.

those wacky WoWtards

Posted by LordZeebmork - May 20th, 2010

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Posted by LordZeebmork - May 9th, 2010

I never give up!

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Posted by LordZeebmork - May 7th, 2010

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Posted by LordZeebmork - May 2nd, 2010

i should get this acc deleted

actually nah, i should create a new online identity, without making it obvious that it's new

but fuck, how do i do that? i don't think i have any old msn accs lying around or anything...

god fucking damnit

edit: oh cool, i can post again

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 16th, 2010

i don't have flash and i'm not going to waste my time submitting art since the admins are fucking retarded and i keep getting unscouted for no apparent reason, so all my shit is going to be over here from now on

in other news, why the fuck is campnorth still not up

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 12th, 2010

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national socialist black metal from greece

damn i guess i should revive [LoD] now

Posted by LordZeebmork - April 2nd, 2010

i went to college, got sick of the neofascist liberal fucktards and all their shit about ~~diversity~~ and how white people are evil, and left. i'll probably go to university of maryland or some shit. no way in hell am i making the mistake of paying $50k/year to be forced to take classes in "cultural perspectives" and get yelled at by a bunch of pseudointellectual fuckwads for supporting the "racist uneducated redneck" tea party. because smaller government is SO RACIST oh wait them there negros need government handouts cuz they can't do anything otherwise and nope that isn't racist at all durp hurp hurrrrrrrrrrr

also, my windows partition fucked itself in the ass and my mac is damn near fried, so i probably can't make flash anymore, at least unless i can be bothered to get it working in wine. and even then, probably not, since my laptop is too much of a piece of shit to run linux properly. i had to uninstall arch since it kept eating dick, and crunchbang isn't working too well either. oh well.

and since you all are a bunch of dumbass rich kids from the suburbs: pot sucks dick, go buy yourself a pouch of tobacco (fuck pack cigs) instead of a few joints of shit weed. also american beer is horse piss.

ps i should probably try to get myself unbanned from the bbs these days but right now i can't be fucked to

edit: more fanmail! i love how i keep getting this, did something of mine get frontpaged or what

From: kingslime80
Sent: 03/31/10 12:16
Subject: WTF?

OK, I'd just like you to answer me one question: Why do you keep deleting my reviews? They wern't meant to be abusive, just inform people who have Epilepsy that the flash can potentially cause a seizure. So, what's your problem with me?

Posted by LordZeebmork - March 29th, 2010

i turned on my old mac for the first time in forever and apparently my flash folder magically disappeared

basically, i won't be resubmitting any of those old movies now, unless they were on my old external and i can somehow unfry that or something. goddamnit.