I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


Joined on 2/12/07

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5,250 / 5,380
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im such a review whore

its during this loooooong band period that i actually discover a ton of movies i want to leave legimate, long, well thought-out reviews on. but nope. gotta wait some more.

anyways my point is that malachy is in cahoots with celladoor6

use an alt

also, I doubt a crazy mormon would be in league with anyone

EXCEPT i can't think of anything funny to put here somebody give me something good BA-ZING!!

No offense, but I think you may have some obsessive compulsive disorder or something like that. And I have a similar disorder as well, so there's nothing wrong with it. You seem to exhibit a lot of OCD traits like obsessive use of the PC for posting about a topic every few hours (I have the same problem too as well).

Anyways, good luck on the comic.

I have nothing better to do than make a pile of userpage posts

im worse piglet, ive spent almost all day fucking around on newgrounds. and cleaning my house every now and then. but still.

my ban's supposed to be over in less than two hours. i hope.

malachy sucks ass

portal banned?

yeah I got that also

lmao 10incher how could i forget about that account

uhh what was it

I HAVE A TEN INCH COCK or some shit like that

haha that shit was great

I love you.


Everyone, we have a new kidray, malachy.


His eyes look like mint candies.

haha what the shit

You are Godly. It would be an honor to post on your page, sir.


he likes to hump

tha fuck

Fuck your webcomic (Kicks you in the nuts)

well that's not very nice!!

Ah, yes. NG doesn't seem as fun to me as it did a few months back... You say that it's not as fun for you as it was when you were finding your way into old accounts with Mailinator? I kinda miss the days when you were Kberkag (never thought I'd say that), or the days when neither of us could post on the forums without the other showing up looking for a fight.

haha yeah kberkag was fun

forum drama was fun also but the forums basically collapsed and there aren't any good topics anymore, except the ones fbipolux makes to bitch about how shitty the forums are because he isn't a mod

im unbanned b*tches

top reviewers list better watch the f*ck out


i'm gay


f*ckin' b*tches betta watch the cr*p out

ye* f*ck th*m

T*ll R*trosm*sh wh*t y*u th*nk *f th*s c*mment!

you exported this in flash ?

everytime I do that, outcome is shit with light dots every 10 or so pixels

yeah, you have to only use the shitty web 216 colors or some shit like that

also censored words

al*o c*ns*red w*rds

*'ll c*ns*r *ll m* w*rds b*c**s* *t's c**l.

y*h *t s*re *s n*w

what have i done

* h*ve n* id*a