One: Theres a outside world, the Russians never nuked us you crazy old man. Two: The United States Of America will never fall good sir due to the failure of internet, we got to many red necks that will tell us how to survive without it good sir. Three: Hire a hooker, she'll (or he'll) relive that stress you have built up. Four: After all of this is done call the FBI and tel lthem of your plot so we can laugh at you getting arrested. Or post a pic of you and a gas can on the BBS =]
One, you're stupid.
Two, you're an asshole
Three, you're a stupid asshole.
Aren't you being a little irrational with this? If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that it should leave the face of the Earth. If you didn't like little puppies, would you slaughter all little puppies?