I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


Joined on 2/12/07

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First comment!

Omg you are splendid! Check my profile in a while for those!

By the way, add stuff Naruto to the Not Cool list. He's a poaser and can't even spell cat.

Added, but I think he's an alt.

get a life jack, and who you callin a kid we're the same age!!!!!!! now go suck your leader until he says to stop.

Yeah, am I really supposed to believe that you're 13?

By the way, there's this thing called a shift key. Ever heard of it?

Nice list. I might start one.

Meh, go ahead. It looks like you did anyway.

okay your right, i'm 13!!!!!!!!!! dang none thinks i'm 13. its like the last 13 years of my life didn't happen.i meanits not my fault your a crappy flash maker. and yes i have but whats that gotta do with it.

How am I a crappy Flash maker? One of my animations is on the front page of Albino Blacksheep. I think that sort of means that it's not exactly crappy.

I'm not cool. So what? I don't wanna be cool, I wanna be equal. You better hpoe I don't make a Flash that'll bury each and every one of your collabs you made with the KK, get it? Got it? Good, now fuck off!

Hahaha, oh wow. Somebody's pissed, and I don't care. I've seen enough AKK flashes to know that there's no way in hell you guys have the skill to even come close to equaling the KK. And I was here first, so if you hate me that much, why don't you fuck off instead? I'm not leaving anytime soon.

heyoooo babe

Damnit, how did I forget you? Added.

<3 you.

<3 :3 <3

you, forgot me. I am deeply saddend

I forgot a lot of people. Added.

Dude where the fuck am I


I'm not leaving either, asshole. But when it's all said and done, someone's crew will be buried alive, AND IT SURE AS HELL AIN'T GONNA BE AKK!

Yeah, because a half-dozen trolls waving their e-penises around on Newgrounds can totally kick the asses of a rather large group of (mostly) intelligent people. Riiight.

what bout me?


i haven't seen any flash lately, what are you up too, ya jacks.

I'm incredibly lazy... I did just make something for another group though. I should have another episode of Doom ready tomorrow (I already have the video and everything, I just keep forgetting to upload it), and maybe some KK stuff also. I've been busy building up alts lately.

Put that I suck


Odd,I'm hated by everyone.Anyway,I just protected GOTHCLAWZ cause he's ma friend.I'll understand if you hate me,many do.Lol.

It's not that, it's just that you were being a massive attention whore about it.

I agree,I just got pissed cause they spammed his 12 year old little sis and mom.

Your such a genious you diden't even put my name on there?

actually I don't give a fuck about you even though you need to go back to second grade grammar class, asshat