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    I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

    Age 31, Male


    fuck fart ass hell


    Joined on 2/12/07

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    I herebry declare this fo- COCKJOKE


    grrr. hmm now i have conflicting thoughts (btw i saw u on smicos page... and since its superitendents conference day im home and bored so im annoying ppl... well mostly)
    on the 1 hand i want to be ur friend
    on the other hand i despise kk, and only because they made that "impossible quiz" (i hate all fake iqs... and since i have a crush on splapp im very protective)
    on the 1 hand u had no part in that as far as i know, and its not on ur favorites
    on the other hand ur kk and i loathe kk for the impossible quiz thing.
    right soooo okay ik i have nothing else against kk but i have a fing crush on splapp so... yea...
    meh whatever ill just annoy you into being my friend. you dont seem that bad, plus i dont hate anyone in kk unless they helped make their impossible quiz... but i do hate those that did make it. and ive yelled at about 30 ppl tht wrote bad reviews for the rl impossible quiz, and impossible quiz 2... thereby somehow becoming their friends (wtf how do i befriend ppl i bad mouth so easily) meh oh well
    in any case be my friend or ill annoy you to death ^.^ meh yea thats about it now on to finding something to do... meh maybe ill look at a few games you made... got nufin better to do till ppl get outta school and come on ng

    Heh... I haven't made any games, just movies. And yeah, the Impossible Quiz is awesome. I've never seen the KK version though.

    And my school's conference day is next week.



    im bored. bored bored bored...
    not to mention depressed
    and lonely.
    and hungry. i should go get breakfast.
    i miss tommy. =/
    i refuse to talk about the above thing.
    its depressing.
    i miss runescape.
    also depressing.
    did i mention im in a depression?
    do you play runescape?
    if you say its a dumb game (etc) ill kill you. people on ng can be so stupid. rs kicks ngs ass.
    i miss rs. a lot. but i already said that.
    im bored, i wanna write, but i dont feel like writing.
    right well ima go get food before i starve to death.
    is it 3pm yet? wheres every1! why cant ppl all have superintendendts conferences on the same day???
    sorry id be annoying someone else but at this point i think half of the world is annoyed at the fact that if im bored i tend to send like 15pms to ppl a day. and than they look and r like O.O -> >=(
    lol speaking of which i did that to my other friend last night (well midnight) they still havent answered me. they dont have off today. haha them. boo me. why cant they have off today. im bored.
    bored bored bored.
    im bored because im lonely and have nothing to do. and im depressed because of all the depressing stuff. if i wasnt bored i wouldnt have time to think about being depressed. i need something to do. hmm maybe ill check splapps page. or play an rpg. after i get food.

    Runescape? I've never played it. I probably should... Oh shit, I'm going to be flamed to death for that.

    runescape is good. i wont yell at you for not having played it. ill yell at you if you say its bad. ^.^ anyways be my friend or ill knee you.

    lol ok

    im watching a movie... idk what its called but its funny... its hard to talk to like 5 ppl on ng while watching a movie

    Yeah, I can see why that would be hard... I once somehow managed to watch a movie, read a book, and read a magazine at the same time though.

    srry bout the double post comp fucked up <.<

    I fixed it.

    i tried playing rs and reading a magazine once. i kept getting logged out (when u play rs if u dont do anything for about a min u get timed out... and than u have to log on)

    That happens to me with MSN sometimes.


    If only they made condoms that looked like little party hats...

    no comment on that...

    I know, I have a sick and twisted mind.



    my mind is sicker-er (read the book i wrote if u dont believe me... its my website thing on my page... errr just make sure ur alone when u read it)

    Okay, I'll read it later (I don't have time now)

    LOOK AT MY BLOG POST THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has this emo mastercard thing below my age etc... its awesome tommy and i came up wif it (tommy = cericon)

    Depression: 1 year Suicidal: 1 and a half years Friends Lost: Too many Some things you can control, for everything else theres antidepressants.
