I somehow got stuck with a 30-day ban because absent thinks I "spammed with multiple hacked alt accounts while previously banned".
1. I don't fucking remember that.
2. Where was I banned? I haven't been banned since that one-day ban I got a few days ago, and I didn't do anything with my alts during that time. Hell, I don't think I even logged in to them at all that day.
3. I share the passwords to almost all of my alts. MoidDotOrgSlashEd1 is the only one that nobody else has the password to. If I have to, I'll change the fucking passwords on all of them, or just get them deleted. I don't care.
4. I never got banned when I only trolled, but now that I post normally, I'm stuck with a 30-day ban. Are the mods trying to encourage me to troll? Because that's what it seems like. Hell, I never got banned for trolling. Ever.
5. I made one fucking post in that Mozz thread. Guess what? Zerok saw that thread, and I didn't get banned then. Considering Zerok is generally regarded as one of the strictest mods, if I don't get banned for something by Zerok and I get banned for the same fucking thing by someone else, something is probably wrong. Hell, Zerok didn't even ban the accounts that were used to flood the thread. I checked. absent did, a few hours after the thread got locked.
6. Fuck this site. If any more shit like this happens, I'm leaving. This place isn't even worth trolling anymore.
That is all.