Some of the things from last year seem like they happened a month ago, and some of them seem like they happened a long time before they actually did. I completely forgot about a lot of the things in there. I didn't think I was a member of The Party in 2007, I forgot about 10incher (a betty ripoff from before betty was well-known), and I almost forgot about the drama Gul-Dukat-DS9 (who apparently got deleted) and the drama he tried to stir up after I raided FlashRangers.
Shit, time goes too fast. Newgrounds isn't anywhere near as fun as it used to be back in the days of MBot and Mailinator hacking.
I wish Flash could keep the gradients when it exports gifs. (It crashes if I try to get it to.)
im such a review whore
its during this loooooong band period that i actually discover a ton of movies i want to leave legimate, long, well thought-out reviews on. but nope. gotta wait some more.
anyways my point is that malachy is in cahoots with celladoor6
LordZeebmork (Updated )
use an alt
also, I doubt a crazy mormon would be in league with anyone
EXCEPT i can't think of anything funny to put here somebody give me something good BA-ZING!!