Cool, I can make frontpage posts now. I'm guessing the staff opened it up to all users with Flash or audio submissions again. (I talked to some other people, and they say they can post on the front page also. Of course, I could be wrong, and it could only be people with Flash scores of 3.00+ or something, but I don't really know. Maybe there will be a staff post about it.)
I finally got Firefox 3. It isn't anywhere near as good as FF2 (although it doesn't have the massive security holes FF2 had), but it runs a fuckton faster, which is awesome.
While I'm here, I may as well plug my awesome animutation thing. That was the first time in months that I actually put any effort at all into a flash. (Update: Awesome, it's on Albino Blacksheep.)
Also mozz.
WOOT first comment
18 minutes
I used to have two or three comments by that time
yep, those were the days