I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


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oh, this is fucking brilliant.

Posted by LordZeebmork - October 13th, 2008

What the fuck is this shit?

Where is linking to your own flash against any rule anywhere? Where does it say not to link to your own flashes? Does it do anything bad at all to the thread? Does it do anything besides contribute to the thread's purpose, which is to find abusive reviews?

This is honestly the most mind-numbingly idiotic ban I have ever heard of in all my time on Newgrounds. There is nothing in the rules against that, and, of course, whoever did this didn't sign the ban. I find it interesting that whenever I get a reasonable ban, it's signed, and whenever I get an unreasonable one like this, it isn't.

I guess I can rule out a moderator just not liking me, since other people got banned for the same reason.

Can anyone give me a legitimate reason why I shouldn't be able to post links to abusive reviews on my movies? I can't think of any.

update: Wade apparently told a mod that it was bannable, so it was basically all Wade's fault. As usual.

oh, this is fucking brilliant.


I dont offend you by this, but half your "shitty" flash deserves half the crap reviews on them.

That's just because you haven't seen the reviews that get deleted.

I don't see why I should be killed because some 13-year-old didn't get his hentai fix.

I think it's to prevent people from submitting Flashes just for the whistle points, getting abusive reviews, and taking them to Rage's to harvest the reviews for their own stats. Obviously there's a hole somewhere in the plan, but maybe that's the reason. Still, that rule sounds kinda gay.

Then I'd just post them on an alt instead.

hey wow that is fucking stupid

although i guess soulmaster has a point with the whole 'baiting' people thing but seriously

thank god i got deity long ago so i dont have to deal with this shit anymore

but the point of the thread is also to give other people deity so umm I don't know

maybe I'm just not supposed to contribute to the statwhore community

That's bullshit when there is abusive reviews on your submissions. Wtf.

So we should all ignore the fact that you are linking to your Flash's reviews in an effort to unfairly win TOTW, and Underdog? Should we just delete all of your accounts instead? You and everyone you assocaite with that continues to steal awards?

I'm honestly not trying to do anything but what the thread is intended for. I don't really care about awards anymore. Besides, there's no way I could use that thread to win Turd or Underdog, and actually, it would make it harder to win. It's harder to get 30 reviews than to get a high enough review score, so if I wanted Underdog, I would want all of the reviews, even the abusive ones, to stay. The same thing goes for Turd. Since, when a flash has a score less than 2.5, a 5 vote raises the score more than a 0 vote lowers it, it would be best for me if I were trying to win Turd with a movie if it got as few views as possible from the time it left the 50 most recent submissions to Wednesday, except if that publicity would get it many more 0 votes than 5 votes. Since that thread is frequented by many high-level users, and a lot of them either have a (stupid or good, depending on your point of view) sense of humor or see the intended purpose of the movie and don't want it to win, the score would most likely go up if it got any votes at all.

...I don't even see how most of my awards were "stolen" anyway. The only actual stealing that I see is when a flash that got a daily award goes on to win Underdog. Normal flashes never get anywhere near as low a score as spam flashes anymore, so the only way to stop spam movies from winning Turd is to stop spam altogether, which is not only practically impossible, but a bad idea, since some people actually like it, and the people who don't can just not watch it.

Whoa fuck, never seen wade get to this point of this as well :O

You don't WIN TOTW, Wade.
You LOSE on purpose.

It's one of the few ways to get exposure these days. My spam movies generally have at least twice as many views as my regular movies, and the ones that won awards have 10-20x as many.

i dunno how deleting bad reviews would get someone TOTW/underdog. i'm missing something here.

It doesn't.

...I guess I have to teach them a bit about how their system works, which I did in my reply there. 30 is actually a very large number of reviews to get.


Turd isn't impacted by reviews, but Underdog/Review Crew is. A similar thing happened with ATWI80D #80, when all of the 0/10 reviews and other low reviews were deleted right before Wednesday, allowing the Flash to win review crew pick. After it did, there was a whole lot of drama about people abusing their high flag powers to get low scoring reviews deleted quickly. This allowed the Flash to win review crew in a somewhat illegitimate way, even though there technically wasn't any actual site abuse.

In this case, if the Flash in question has all its low scoring abusive reviews flagged by the users in Rage's thread, the reviews will be deleted quickly and the Flash might win underdog or another award. Even though there's nothing wrong with that, taking advantage of Rage's thread to remove bad reviews for the sake of winning awards is in some ways an abusive action.

The mod in question must have assumed the worst--as Wade is doing as well--that Lordzeebmork was linking to his submission for such malicious purposes. I personally find that iffy, seeing how MANY authors have come through Rage's thread and linked to reviews on their submissions; that seems to be the whole purpose of the thread.

I suppose this is a special case because of the user's history or whatever, but giving a ban like this especially without signing it seems a little odd. The ban was given on the assumption that the user is doing something wrong, when in fact mods shouldn't act as mind readers. But ehhhhh I'm just here case I saw the ban message so whateverrr; I'm not really going to disagree--just link to your submissions AFTER they're a week old, then.

...I guess I was away when ATWI80D #80 won RCP, since I don't remember it, but there's no way I could get anywhere near as many reviews as I would need to pull a stunt like that.

Yeah, I can see why mods would assume the worst about most things I do, even though I don't fuck around with anything except the Flash portal anymore, and not anywhere near as much there as I used to, but CAF also got banned for the same reason, and as far as I know, he has never won any review-related award.

Waiting a week seems a bit idiotic, but I guess it's necessary until this shit stops happening.

@ CuteAndFuzzy

Trying to see it from the viewpoint of the mod who banned you, I could still fathom that you had something to gain by having those reviews deleted. For example, even though there aren't any decent on your submission now, you might be planning to get a bunch of buddies together to review highly on the submission before Wednesday, and without any low scoring reviews, you'd have trouble winning review-based awards.

This is all based on assumption--something I wouldn't want to base a BBS ban on--but it's perhaps one of the reasons WHY you were banned. Also, I noticed your ban is slightly different from Zeebmork's.

"It is against the rules to link your shitty flashes in the Rage's review thread because you don't like the reviews. Find other sources to link abusive reviews."

Perhaps the moderator thought the reviews on your submission weren't actually abusive, and that you were merely trying to get them flagged because they were low scoring, not because they were abusive. Thus, you were trying to use Rage's thread as tool to get reviews you don't agree with flagged, in the hopes the mods will simply delete them if they keep coming up on the list.

There have been problems in the past with people linking to borderline or non-abusive stuff, and that may have been one of reasons to throw a ban at you.

I could go and contact the mod in question here and try and get him/her to explain his or her reasoning, but I really don't want to make a big deal over some three day ban, and I feel like I'm going behind backs here by explaining someone else's ban, which may or may not even be the correct explanation.

I suppose while the explanations are somewhat inconclusive, I would just take it as a learning experience. Three whole days, blah blah blah, just don't do it in the future, big deal. Eh.

I'd rather not have mods banning people for no real reason, even if it is only three days.

Besides, all of the reviews got deleted, so apparently someone thought they were abusive enough to delete.

bleeeh fuck it, I don't know, maybe someone just hates me and CAF

i honestly gave up on seriously reviewing movies (most of the time, anyways) after the 30-day ban

it's weird cause all i've really been doing is leaving stupid one sentence reviews and and my ban was over i havent been banned/reviews deleted since.

yet when i made intricate reviews helping people out i got banned/deleted all over the fucking place.

if someone is reading this like wade (doubtful) or a review mod i really encourage them to step back and take a look at how the review system is being run. there's shitty people out there who want to get underdog and bullshit like that (hint: it's not zeeb/caf/FF or the like) but reviews are in near anarchy right now. every now and then i see a review like "this sucks fagit" getting a Helpful! tag and all sorts of other useless reviews flying around (ie some of my recent ones). if this honestly keeps up the way it's going for the next couple months it'll just end up as a jaded feature on newgrounds and will go back to it's old broken 2000 self.

yeah, the same thing happens to me on the bbs

I never get banned when I troll but I spend more time banned than not when I don't

"and and my ban was"

should say "and once my ban was over", nyugh.


"And maybe Wade is pissed because he has to plow Leslie's dough to make his penis sneeze."


*ducks for cover*

In a nutshell, all you get for having some hope in newgrounds is getting bbs banned, and have admin ranting about you on your userpage, missing the point completely

yep, pretty much

the audio portal is the only part of the site that hasn't been completely fucked over and the only reason it hasn't been yet is because nobody ever uses it

also happy belated birthday and shit ghj

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/464514">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /464514</a>

apparently, someone considers your robot character sexy

haha that's great



whoever banned you is a stupid fuck. i mean, at least he should give u a warning. but guess he's too pussy to sign it.



as I said, the reasonable bans that I get are almost always signed, and the unreasonable ones are never signed. I wonder why that is.

serious, he must post here, or at least reveal his name if he got balls.

@absent, help us find who dat f*** wuz

Words cannot describe how much of a shithole this place has become. It'll only get worse.

what the fuck is this shit?

you should be able to link abusive reviews to any flash in Rage's thread even your own

people do this all the fucking time in that thread, not just spammers either

fucking Okk did it three times and his shit was on the fucking front page

Wade please look up who did this and fire his sorry ass. it just makes Newgrounds look bad if the BBS mods make mistakes like this

ban signing should be mandatory

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