I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


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yep, the mods hate me

Posted by LordZeebmork - March 2nd, 2009

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 7 days. You have 5 days, 22 hours, 21 minutes and 39 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: You've become quite spammy today. ~Mal

Please read the BBS rules.

yep, the mods hate me


I once got a 2 hour ban for using the term 'Sonic Fag' I wasn't calling anyone it, I just said it in one of my posts. Plus a 2 hour ban is pretty stupid.

yeah, that happens when a mod gives you a 1-day ban near the end of the ban day or whatever.

and that's retarded but so is the ngbbs.

This is a careful, biblical, spiritual examination of a complex subject. For a thought-provoking but very much shorter and shallower view, see How Masturbation Shapes One's Sexuality.

Masturbation is an issue Christians cannot ignore. With little regard to gender, age, or even marital status, what is sometimes called solo-sex plunges many of us into the pit of guilt and the despondency of defeat. But are these guilt feelings the product of biblical truth or merely a hangover from the misconceptions of a bygone era?

Respected Christian authorities are divided over whether masturbation is for the sexually deprived or the sexually depraved. With this perplexing divergence of opinion, compounded by one's natural reluctance to mention the M word, it is no surprise that pastors in most churches prefer to say little publicly about the morality of masturbation, with the result that most of us are left to flounder unaided through the moral maze, with little to guide us but the noise of the world and an often uneasy conscience. I, too, intended sidestepping the subject, with just a few noncommittal words before moving to what I regarded as more uplifting topics. Against my wishes - and sometimes to my annoyance - this webpage kept growing longer and longer, and yet I found the result surprisingly edifying. I pray you, too, find it illuminating and uplifting.

One of the aims of Net-burst.Net is to be a place where Christians of all flavors feel comfortable, if they fervently love the Lord. So it is my intention to be gentle and not stomp on the sensitivities of anyone committed to biblical Christianity. Instead, my prayer is not to impose my views upon you but, by helping to clarify the issues involved, to be used of God to move you closer to your own personal, divinely-approved resolution of the matter.

Babies of both sexes can discover how to give themselves genital pleasure long before their first birthday. We might conclude from this that masturbation is obviously "natural" and therefore morally neutral. A moment's thought, however, blows this logic to shreds. It is equally "natural" for little children to lie, steal, slander, bash each other and break any commandment they have the strength to break. If morality were decided on the basis of what children do the moment they gain the ability to do it, life would be horrific. Morality is about choosing what is right above our natural inclinations.

Nevertheless, one needs little knowledge of infant sexuality to understand how many of us get well and truly hooked on masturbation long before any thought dawns that this practice might have moral implications. Even adults can commence the practice without the slightest thought that moral issues might be involved. When the time comes to put aside childish things, it can be even harder to give up than our security blanket and thumb sucking. So the practice is often hidden, rather than stopped, thus allowing the habit to become even more entrenched.

Consequently, many of us find ourselves masturbating not because we have chosen to fly in the face of morality, nor because we have soberly concluded that the practice is of no moral consequence, but simply because past events beyond our conscious control have brought us to the point of addiction. Once addicted, we have a vested interest in deciding the practice is harmless. This webpage examines whether there is any moral need to break a pleasurable habit that many conclude to be morally neutral and yet others believe to be immoral.

Some readers will value reassurance that this issue deeply affects both genders. "Thank you, thank you, thank you for including so many women's testimonies," responded a woman to this webpage. She had been married for eighteen years and still battled an uneasy conscience and an attracction to solo sex. "I have become so frustrated as I hear our pastor preach over and over against sexual addiction exclusively to the males of the church. I have searched in the past on the Internet for help for women on the subject and some clue that I wasn't the only one, and I only succeeded in finding links to porn sites or to crazy sites."

In all, quite a number of women have e-mailed me, confiding that their love-hate affair with masturbation is compounded by their belief that it is somehow more shameful for women or that secular society is more accepting of male masturbation. I have now received too many such responses for me not to regard this view as fairly common, but I was initially surprised because I have stumbled across many more secular articles encouraging female masturbation than I have ever seen for males. The truth, of course, is that solitary sex is common to both genders and that what godless secular society thinks is irrelevant. God alone has the final word on this matter, and moral issues apply equally to both genders.

I've been banned for breaking rules that aren't even on the BBS rules list!

Well, you did deserve it for taking flashes that weren't your own.

This a complete waste of computer!!!

it's like, well, okay,

I hope you learned a valuable lesson... or something

Funky gif, sympathies for the eternal bannimation too.