Blah blah generic fad post. People who I don't hate and people who just piss me off. In no real order besides a random one.
People who are awesome:
silentkat- Obviously awesome.
LordRod- Obviously awesome.
InsertFunnyUserName- Obviously awesome. Let's start a revolution.
Mbolca2- For making the best thing ever on Newgrounds.
KemCab- The Party, of course.
ChaiLatte- For randomly ranting about stuff.
sQueef- :3
Kagoe- Taking the shit from the raid better than GOTHCLAWZ did. Lolz.
Goldencat- AAEN
Koeberto190- First comment, and general awesomeness.
greensucksbluerules- Because it's true... PINK rules. *points to my aura*
TNOAT- He convinced me to join the Kitty Krew. Not that I needed much convincing though...
CuteAndFuzzy- Yeah.
aquaticmole- Zellomesh
ZombieArmy- [KK]
The-DeadDuck- [KK]
UberKuri- Yeah.
Alcohol1- "Don't drink too much alcohol otherwise you'll get drunk!"
kenny- Because I'm evil.
smicothegreat- He added me on his awesomeness list. He's actually not that evil, even though he's in the AKK.
karlu20- How did she convince me to make that game that I'm working on? I have no idea.
People who are not:
Gul-Dukat-DS9- FlashRangers fanboy and wannabe 1337 h4x0r.
Oldskoolkammy- Thinks he's cool for editing some stupid speech thing. And he banned me from commenting on his userpage for no reason, and shat a metric fuckload of bricks when he saw this list.
jallo212- Attention whoring GOTHCLAWZ fanboy.
StuffNaruto- Some random idiot who I think must be an alt.
VorticeFlyer- Annoying cock.
cookie-monsta1- Freaking poser.
TomsPulp- Some immature loser who uses too much chatspeak and thinks he knows German.
killa68- Chatspeak and general idioticity. Actually, I don't think that idioticity is a word. It is now.
RaspberryRobot- FlashRangers
Yeah, I'll update this. Leave comments if you want to be on the list, and I'll add you if you're awesome enough, which you probably are if you're reading this. And yeah, I'll add anyone from The Party. I'm too lazy to go through the memberlist though, so leave a comment if you want to be added.
First comment!