I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


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Fuck the wide layout.

Posted by LordZeebmork - May 26th, 2009

It's quite honestly one of the worst, if not the worst, ideas the NG admins have ever had, and coming from someone who has seen users with movies better than 99% of the shit here get deleted for no reason while immature fucktards get modded, that means a lot. The only good thing I can see about it is that it sort of forces people to watch UJ movies before voting, and it doesn't really even do that. Besides, that could be accomplished by bringing back the thing where the vote panel doesn't load until you either run some fun JS code that probably like 20 people on NG have or click the play button. Oh wait, what play button?

Why is the movie above the author commentary? Now nobody will read it, which could be a problem. If someone submits a great game and only describes the controls in the author commentary, it'll get downvoted even more than it ordinarily would; hordes of idiotic 13-year-olds won't be able to figure out the controls and won't think to look in the commentary, so they'll downvote it to hell. (That has probably already happened, but it'll happen more. Brilliant audience the NG admins have attracted with years of frontpaging inane bullshit, huh?)

Since this update seems to be about the fact that people are too lazy to click a play button, it would be nice to have an "add to favorites" button somewhere near the top so people don't have to do the horrible work of scrolling down to add the thing. And hell, while I'm going on about the buttons, it would be nice to have some mouseover text for the damn things to save lazy bastards like me the effort of memorizing those damn hieroglyphics on the buttons that are already there.

Also, I don't really like the fact that my movies are now being used to advertise for inane, talentless wastes of space like Lilium, Halomen, that fucking Sexy Vampire thing, and that one thing Oney shat out. I'd rather not be associated with that kind of shit. Hell, what if one of the movies has ads? Why should my work be used to make someone else money?

There are also many other problems, which are most likely far worse than anything I've described here, but I think they would be best pointed out by proof of concept. Hehe.

Fuck the wide layout.


i agree. It seems like the staff is slowly making Newgrounds more elitist. Its becoming harder and harder for up and comers to get any sort of spotlight. Soon they'll just be "featured" movies. With the way things are going the portal might become irrelevant.

This place is selling out. I bet the next redesign will change the name to Mariogrounds.

Goddamn 13-year-old video game freaks. If there weren't so many of them, NG wouldn't be going down the shitter as fast.


I think it's shitty, annoying, and overburdening.

Not to mention that the only "benefit" is that pages take longer to load.

I guess people are actually going to have to watch a little bit of a movie before they vote.

It doesn't even force people to do that, and that update has been needed for a long time now. People will probably still vote before watching.

Although now all those "vote 5 before watching" intros that the SS used back in the day make a lot more sense.

I don't really like the fact this will change the Flash Portal pretty much to worse, not so much, but still not a good change to me :/ I do not want paople widescrolling my submissions, this should be a submission option, able or disable, if I make a game and I add graphics in png and others in flash it will just look so ugly, the reviews and score will be lower. So yeah, I agree.

Oh wow, I didn't even think of that.

A good game has controls in the game, not in the author commentary. All in all the author commentary is unimportant when compared to the actual movie, and that's why the movie is at the top. Few people read the author commentary in the other layout. If a game needs the author commentary to be playable, then in my eyes it deserves the downvotes it gets because the author wasn't insightful enough to look ahead. The same goes for the add to favorites button, at least IMO

The mouse over text doesn't really seem necessary and is a very small issue in my eyes. You can learn what the buttons mean by trail and error within 5 seconds, if you can't understand what they mean in the first place.

Your work isn't being used to make someone else money, your work is being used to get someone else who put their hard work into a project some recognition. Newgrounds has always had "You might like these flashes" on the side of the page, it's just that the new layout allows them to make it more prominent. And Tom himself said that they have to give the system some time to actually pull up work relevant to yours.

Yeah, it always had them, and they're still there, but at least they were somewhere out of the way. Now you can't miss them.

JohnnyUtah doesn't seem to care much about 3/5 of the users on Newgrounds. I hope the rest of the admins actually take everyone's well-made points into consideration. Far more cons have been mentioned about this new layout than pros.

The admins don't give a fuck about the users. All they care about is money.

yeah. ng is definitely being overrun by ads and crap, which freaking sucks for people like me who dont churn out trophy-winning submissions and front-page bombshells.

You don't put money in the admins' pockets, so the admins probably don't give a fuck about anything you have to say.

Isn't blatant internet capitalism great?

Johnny Utah already said it was going to be redesigned in his post.

It's a fucking horrible idea no matter how they shuffle the bits on the page around, especially the bit with autoloading. If I submit something that crashes the browser of anyone who tries to play it, how is anyone going to vote on it?

I absolutely hate it.
it makes the page wider than the newgrounds header, so the extra space looks ugly.
the ads are more in the way than ever
I can't even see the icon before I watch the movie
it takes up way too much space
and everything looks bulky and ugly.

Heh, I didn't even notice the header thing.

But yeah, it sure would be nice if NG could get something right before they release it for once. The redesign was buggy as fuck at first, that new coauthor system had a hole as wide as Kirk Johnson's ass (although not as big as the pre-redesign coauthor bug), and now they have this thing, which looks like utter shit.

you should delete your movies, and put em on youtube? they have a bit more sophisticated audience i heard.

Youtube and DA are the only sites I can think of with a shittier userbase than NG.

Well, those and 4chan, and at least 4chan doesn't ban people for no reason like this place does.

JohnnyUtah may have said it would be redesigned in his post, though I'm assuming that just means the Vote 0-5 buttons will be made bigger and the Newgrounds header will change size. That only solves one of a ton of flaws.

Yeah, they'll shuffle some shit around and call it a redesign. It'll still have autoplaying, which is a fucking stupid idea for reasons that I thought would be obvious.

I've considered doing what Luis said before, but I don't even know how to record a Flash movie and put it on YouTube, lol

You can export to video from Flash, I think.

I'm almost sure that this won't stay like this, they gonna invent a way to make everone happy, since tom started newground until today tom always listened to the users, even in stuff that wasen't supose to listen. This is very rare to happen with any site and i don't think he is gonna change it now.

They'll come up with a way to make all the users happy, you say? They already have. That way seems to be to push inane shit while driving out all the users who have enough of a brain to not like the inane shit.

The potential for abuse with auto-loading .swf files is rather high with this layout. That's my main concern. Wouldn't even have the chance to read author notes or reviews before getting e-buttfucked.

I'm hoping that the looks will get polished with this alluded-to redesign and the "you might be interested in" box doesn't just show people who don't need any extra attention.

That's the security problem I was talking about.

I really hope the "you might be interested in" box gets moved to some faraway corner where nobody looks at it. I don't want to be an advertising machine for some ad-filled video game parody.

I have a friend who went through all the newest submissions, including Red Moon, which was on the front page a while ago, and just randomly voted on them without even viewing them. So yeah, if they do restore the old layout, they should put in the voting restriction as well. =/

Yes, but I don't think they ever will. They haven't yet.

Oh no...OH NO...do you hear that?

It's the sound..of CHANGE!


As a side note, if you don't manage to get instructions into the game itself, it's unlikely to be a good game. Instructions don't take effort.



i think its funny that you refer to "idiotic 13-year-olds" and youre.... 15.

yeah, you've got years more life experience. those loser 13 year olds dont even know what 9th grade is like!

I bitched about idiotic 13-year-olds when I was 13.

Also, I have an IQ of 144 last time I got it tested so I guess the "idiotic" part really doesn't apply to me.

ps ad hominem attacks are really lame!!

I dont know if I like it or not

who knows

it will probably work as we get used to it

maybe not

Except for the security problems inherent in having autoplaying flash.

wtf its awesome

I really hope the SS comes out with Operation BSOD now that this autoplaying thing has been implemented. It'll never happen, but that would be funny as hell.

It's a piece of shit and anyone who says otherwise can go kill themselves.


The layout isn't that good with tabs since things automatically load, it's going to make things slower..

"Hordes of idiotic 13-year-olds won't be able to figure out the controls and won't think to look in the commentary"
Some of them rarely know how to open a webpage and start having a cry..

Of course they know how to open a webpage. The ones who can't get porn die off.

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