I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


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hey you fuckers

Posted by LordZeebmork - October 31st, 2009

i finally opened flash for the first time in like months

hopefully the pretentious artsy bullshit can carry it through tegh pr0tl of exceltefrn qualit flaszxz !!!!!!! fuck newgrounds

hey you fuckers


Instead of trying to destroy an existing set of systems, isn't it better to gradually create an alternate set which replaces the old ones (which admittedly have become hoplessly corrupted) ?

Trying to destroy things outright just adds to the entropic state. We have developed weapons with the potential to end all life on this planet. We cannot just "burn it all down" and hope something emerges from the ashes.

ah, but who says we have to destroy anything in the physical world? just tearing down the reality tunnels should be enough. making people aware of reality, instead of the distorted and cropped construct of the tunnel, would solve a hell of a lot of problems.

lmao fuck i don't even remember what i wrote there but ehh


Ran out of slots? Is that possible? Wow man ahaha.

yeah, the maximum is 200

OIC, I didn't realise you were referring to RAW's work on perception.

Maybe subliminal messaging would be useful for this.

The ever expanding media provides plenty of potential access points to pass on infomation bursts. Ideally you would need a TV series that pulls in a very wide demographic, appeals to lots of people - like LOST maybe - and then carefully plant your messages.

If you had creative input / control of the script you could use this to deliberately build up tension, and emotionally charged atmosphere prior to the periods of subliminal bursts. The viewer's mind would be made more receptive this way.

Hell, if you had control of each episode's scripting, you could write the story AROUND the messaging bursts - every part of the story would be used to reinforce the message.

Unfortunately I am sure they have specialised censors who actively look out for this kind of thing on the major broadcasting networks and filter it, so it would be almost impossible to pull off.

lmao holy shit i didn't think anyone would get the RAW reference. nice.

but the fun part about the media, especially web 2.0, is that you can attract thousands of viewers with nothing but tag manipulation. hell, my "Princess Peach HENTAI!!" has over 70000 views, and that's on a relatively small site. i'm sure i could get 100000 views in a few months easily on youtube if i made a video about, say, the wacky antics of my cats.

subliminal messaging doesn't really work that well. i think you have to throw people off. make something that runs perpendicular to the tunnel, so when people think they get it, it knocks a hole in the tunnel. i'm not really sure how to do that though. although i think it would work well to make a movie about it in the five-second-sound-bite format that NG has come to expect, and then play tagging games so it gets more views. but i don't know how to collapse it that much.

'like LOST maybe"


Lost like the show on ABC? God i fucking LOVE that show.
