I love videogames especially old school games. I've played almost every classic and I love making parody's of it in sprite animations. If you do not like Sprite animations please go watch actual drawings on another place or at least give it a chance.

Age 31, Male


fuck fart ass hell


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LordZeebmork's News

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 28th, 2009

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Posted by LordZeebmork - November 24th, 2009

From: Eltro2kneo
Sent: 11/24/09 13:04
Subject: DIE!!!
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Over 350 submissions, ALL OF THEM, have no effort.

You spam and you make newgrounds look like shit.

The messages you put are ALWAYS SHITTY, POINTLESS AND SPAM!!!


350submissions x 6pounds of SHIT x 700RAGE = 1470000sec = 24500min = 408 1/3h = 17days = 2 1/2weeks OF YOUR LIFE!!! GOOD DAY!!! >:(

oh no i have waste my life on spam like if it was shitty spam site where none go to.........what hav i done..................

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 22nd, 2009

Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.13

fuck canada fuck america

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 17th, 2009

The Backalleys is a personality cult established by the egotistical piece of shit twat basement-dwelling cuntflap known as "rtil" on Newgrounds to gather a bunch of talentless hacks like himself and have them all suck his dick while they talk about how much of a shit site Newgrounds is because they do the exact same thing on their forums that the assalleys faggots do on theirs. The home page of Newgrounds displays recent submissions chosen by administrators as a special showcase of their favorites. rtil is a talentless hack who rode an old shitty unfunny dead faggot ass cunt group called the Star Suckers to fame and power on Newgrounds. What a retard. On April 21, 2003 the first front page icon for a user-submitted Flash game was posted under the heading "Tom and Wade Recommend". They even burned a free patch from Newgrounds as a part of their evil terroristic activities. The game that was posted was Brawl Funnies, a remake of a popular unfunny parody bullshit!. As Newgrounds received more quality submissions the "Average Newgrounder" section grew from 1 to 2, 2 to 4, and 4 to 6 icons. As of 2009, there are 24 icons on the home page; 12 for Flash animations and 12 for games. The rate at which this page was updated also increased, from weeks to days, eventually leading to the removal of the "Tom and Wade recommend" heading and becoming a staple of the Front Page, making it easy for new users to the site to find quality content. Basically, all they do is sit around and circlejerk while screaming about how great The Backalleys is compared to every other site because no other site has as many shitty unfunny image macros and shitty unfunny image macro spammers as they do. Adobe Flash is another technology often used in Web 2.0 applications. As a widely available plugin independent of W3C (World Wide Web Consortium, the governing body of web standards and protocols), standards, Flash is capable of doing many things which are not currently possible in HTML, the language used to construct web pages. Of Flash's many capabilities, the most commonly used in Web 2.0 is its ability to play audio and video files. This has allowed for the creation of Web 2.0 sites such as YouTube, where video media is seamlessly integrated with standard HTML. Blogs, wikis and RSS are often held up as exemplary manifestations of Web 2.0. A reader of a blog or a wiki is provided with tools to add a comment or even, in the case of the wiki, to edit the content. This is what we call the Read/Write web.Talis believes that Library 2.0 means harnessing this type of participation so that libraries can benefit from increasingly rich collaborative cataloguing efforts, such as including contributions from partner libraries as well as adding rich enhancements, such as book jackets or movie files, to records from publishers and others. ZekeySpaceyFaggot is the worst of the image macro spammers; not only does he spew garbage unfunny 4chan shit out every orifice, he actually thinks he's funny. What a retard. after that it was evening time, roughly, and so we hopped in our batmobile and drove to the beach for Pen Ward's beach party! At harvest time, gardeners usually dig up potatoes with a long-handled, three-prong "grape" (or graip), i.e. a spading fork, or a potato hook which is similar to the graip but its tines are at a 90 degree angle to the handle. In larger plots, the plow can serve as the fastest implement for unearthing potatoes. Commercial harvesting is typically done with large potato harvesters which scoop up the plant and the surrounding earth. This is transported up an apron chain consisting of steel links several feet wide, which separates some of the dirt. The chain deposits into an area where further separation occurs. Different designs use different systems at this point. The most complex designs use vine choppers and shakers, along with a blower system or "Flying Willard" to separate the potatoes from the plant. The result is then usually run past workers who continue to sort out plant material, stones, and rotten potatoes before the potatoes are continuously delivered to a wagon or truck. Further inspection and separation occurs when the potatoes are unloaded from the field vehicles and put into storage. upon arrival, the beach seemed oddly lacking in adventure, so we wandered around asking groups of people if they were there with Pen. After potato plants flower, some varieties will produce small green fruits that resemble green cherry tomatoes, each containing up to 300 true seeds. Potato fruit contains large amounts of the toxic alkaloid solanine and is therefore unsuitable for consumption. All new potato varieties are grown from seeds, also called "true seed" or "botanical seed" to distinguish it from seed tubers. By finely chopping the fruit and soaking it in water, the seeds will separate from the flesh by sinking to the bottom after about a day (the remnants of the fruit will float). Any potato variety can also be propagated vegetatively by planting tubers, pieces of tubers, cut to include at least one or two eyes, or also by cuttings, a practice used in greenhouses for the production of healthy seed tubers. Some commercial potato varieties do not produce seeds at all (they bear imperfect flowers) and are propagated only from tuber pieces. Confusingly, these tubers or tuber pieces are called "seed potatoes". of course none of them were, so we were a bit perplexed. then a car pulled up and a big guy with a piano-key tie and a massive beard got out. he poked at his phone for a minute, then looked up and yelled ADVENTURE TIME! it was pen ward! he was equally unsure of where the party was, but after talking for a minute we found out it was at the other end of the beach. we jogged down there and saw a much larger gathering of jolly people. after standing around for a minute, a mysterious person came up to me and asked "are you... ansel?" who should it be but squeef! we sat around and talked for a bit before we got a call from Anigen wondering where the party was. after giving him directions and taking a short walk, we met up with him and returned to the beach. then, rtilshowed up. we all sat in a circle and plotted to destroy newgrounds. as we left the beach, we said hello to nath milburn and hans before heading to the hotel. here is a beautiful drawing by ukinojoe, depicting the historic meeting of ansel and jseed. terms of Web 2.0's social impact, critics. Is iomaí cineál bia a dhéantar le prátaí. B'fhéidir gurb iad sceallóga an bia is coitianta a dhéantar le prátaí. Déantar brioscáin phrátaí astu freisin. Táthar an-chosúil lena chéile ach amháin go bhfuil sceallóga níos tibhe agus níos tanaí ná brioscáin phrátaí. Itear sceallóga te; itear brioscáin phrátaí ag teocht an tseomra. Is iomaí blas a bhíonn ar mbrioscáin phrátaí amhail salann agus fínéagar, cáis agus oinniún, blas bagún deataithe, blas curraí, blas Tabasco is araile. such as Andrew Keen argue that Web 2.0 has created a cult of digital narcissism and amateurism, which undermines the notion of expertise by allowing anybody, anywhere to share - and place undue value upon - their own opinions about any subject and post any kind of content regardless of their particular talents, knowledgeability, credentials, biases or possible hidden agendas. wow it's not the fact that you made this terrible joke, but because you still insist on responding to so many replies, most with random shit or terrible comebacks that we can't retaliate to because there's no way to respond to your response. Using that to your advantage to make the worst comebacks and still look like you're winning the argument. and if they've backed you into a corner with a series of contradictions and logical arguments, you respond with a message with a seemingly irrelevant topic, but is barely tangent to the matter at hand, allowing you to pass that off as a legit answer that "reinforces" your points. I bet you're going to do that to mine too. but youre probably tempted to prove me wrong and not do it or ignore it. face it. youre not funny. youre not intimidating. youre not clever, quick, or witty. you're just an annoying brat crying out for attention who still says "tween". He states that the core assumption of Web 2.0, that all opinions and user-generated content are equally valuable and relevant, is misguided and is instead "creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity: uninformed political commentary, unseemly home videos, embarrassingly amateurish music, unreadable poems, essays and novels," also stating that Wikipedia is full of "mistakes, half truths and misunderstandings". This is what caused WW1, WW2, Cold War, and all the sodding conflicts that existed and exists in this world! Of course, if you're just kidding, then I won't bother you anymore with shenanigans, like the time Stewie Griffin complained about that fake laser gun, because he thought it was a real one! Chill, an artist is a person who sits for hours working on an image. not a public spokes person, if he won he won, what was the fight for? a golden Mario? If you do something right, people will not know you have done anything at all...or they will and it will be shit. Pure shit. What the fuck are these people thinking? They aren't funny. They aren't really anything except pathetic shitty little ant motherfucker shitstains on the face of the internet. Fuck them all.

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 17th, 2009

wooooooo boy injoke injoke meme injoke circlejerk fucking and sucking and recycled sewage boy howdy nothing on the internet is funny because it gets used by some cunting pile of faggots until it dies a slow and painful death from overuse

see back in my day we had original content

why do i even care i don't give a fuck about the internet anymore except that one place where the only injokes come from making fun of the shitty members and those other places which are all private torrent trackers where the community really doesn't matter for shit dddddddd

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 14th, 2009

lordzeebmork died in a car crash this is his girlfriend Sucking McCock posting to inform you of thgf loss of a valuable member of oh god i do not know at internet now must go back to sucking cock hurf glugh blap mmmmmm fu

hey everybody i need t

Posted by LordZeebmork - November 5th, 2009

Volume in drive H is OneTouch 4

Directory of H:\music\mp3\Hanatarash - Hanatarashi (1985)

00. Hanatarash - Hanatarashi 1.nfo
The Hanatarashi - 1 Ultra Cocker.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 2 Power Cock.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 3 Domination In Spunked Cock.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 4 Megaton Cock.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 5 Cock Combat.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 6 Cock Victory.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 7 Cock Rising & Hunging Cunt.mp3
The Hanatarashi - 8 Cock E.S.P.mp3

10 File(s) 73,428,743 bytes
2 Dir(s) 32,465,096,704 bytes free


Posted by LordZeebmork - October 31st, 2009

i finally opened flash for the first time in like months

hopefully the pretentious artsy bullshit can carry it through tegh pr0tl of exceltefrn qualit flaszxz !!!!!!! fuck newgrounds

hey you fuckers

Posted by LordZeebmork - October 28th, 2009

not that I give a fuck about the bbs or anything but since when was jamoke a mod

just shows the power of cocksucking: poozy sucked wade's dick on asschat or whatever the fuck his shitty chat thing was called, then jamoke sucked poozy's dick by flooding the flash portal with unfunny garbage

and no it isn't just newgrounds, all large forums suck a fucking chode


lmao what the hell

Posted by LordZeebmork - October 25th, 2009

i'll never deposit again

got me a nic ol wrench