It's quite honestly one of the worst, if not the worst, ideas the NG admins have ever had, and coming from someone who has seen users with movies better than 99% of the shit here get deleted for no reason while immature fucktards get modded, that means a lot. The only good thing I can see about it is that it sort of forces people to watch UJ movies before voting, and it doesn't really even do that. Besides, that could be accomplished by bringing back the thing where the vote panel doesn't load until you either run some fun JS code that probably like 20 people on NG have or click the play button. Oh wait, what play button?
Why is the movie above the author commentary? Now nobody will read it, which could be a problem. If someone submits a great game and only describes the controls in the author commentary, it'll get downvoted even more than it ordinarily would; hordes of idiotic 13-year-olds won't be able to figure out the controls and won't think to look in the commentary, so they'll downvote it to hell. (That has probably already happened, but it'll happen more. Brilliant audience the NG admins have attracted with years of frontpaging inane bullshit, huh?)
Since this update seems to be about the fact that people are too lazy to click a play button, it would be nice to have an "add to favorites" button somewhere near the top so people don't have to do the horrible work of scrolling down to add the thing. And hell, while I'm going on about the buttons, it would be nice to have some mouseover text for the damn things to save lazy bastards like me the effort of memorizing those damn hieroglyphics on the buttons that are already there.
Also, I don't really like the fact that my movies are now being used to advertise for inane, talentless wastes of space like Lilium, Halomen, that fucking Sexy Vampire thing, and that one thing Oney shat out. I'd rather not be associated with that kind of shit. Hell, what if one of the movies has ads? Why should my work be used to make someone else money?
There are also many other problems, which are most likely far worse than anything I've described here, but I think they would be best pointed out by proof of concept. Hehe.